pais den Afrika
Tunesia, ofisialmente Repúblika Tunesia, ta un pais den e parti nort di Afrika. Kapital di e pais ta Tunis.
Parti di | North Africa, European Union tax haven blacklist |
Fecha di fundashon òf kreashon | 20 mart 1956 |
Nomber kòrtiku | 🇹🇳 |
Grupo étniko | Arabs |
Archivá na | National Archives of Tunisia |
Nòmber duná di | Tunis |
Idioma ofisial | Arabiko |
Himno | Humat Al Hima |
Kultura | culture of Tunisia |
Motto text | حرية، كرامة، عدالة، نظام |
Kontinente | Afrika |
Pais | Tunesia |
Kapital | Tunis |
Zona di tempu | UTC+01:00, Central European Time, UTC+02:00, Africa/Tunis |
Situá den of banda di | Laman Mediteráneo |
Koordinato geográfiko | 34°0′0″N 10°0′0″E |
Punto oriental | 33°10′1″N 11°33′42″E |
Punto nort | 37°33′0″N 8°57′0″E |
Punto zuid | 30°13′41″N 9°33′23″E |
Punto occidental | 33°47′54″N 7°31′32″E |
Punto mas altu | Jebel ech Chambi |
Punto mas hundo | Shatt al Gharsah |
Forma di gobierno | parliamentary republic, semi-presidential system |
Office held by head of state | President of Tunisia |
Hefe di estado | Kais Saied |
Puesto okupá pa hefe di gobièrnu | Prime Minister of Tunisia |
Kabes di gobièrnu | Ahmed Hachani |
Órgano ehekutivo | Government of Tunisia |
Órgano legislativo | Assembly of the Representatives of the People |
Banko sentral | Central Bank of Tunisia |
Moneda | Tunisian dinar |
Twinned administrative body | Seto |
Tin frontera ku | Libia, Argelia |
Band'i chaffeur | banda drechi |
Tip'i plok electrico | Europlug, Type E |
Oficina di turismo | Tunisian National Tourist Office |
Presedí pa | Beylik of Tunis |
Ta remplasá | French protectorate of Tunisia |
Distinshon | The Economist country of the year |
Hashtag | Tunisia |
Top-level Internet domain | .tn |
Bandera | flag of Tunisia |
Eskudo | coat of arms of Tunisia |
Geografia | geography of Tunisia |
Karakterisá pa | pais liber |
Historia | history of Tunisia |
Sentido di circulacion di trein | robes |
Ekonomia di e tópiko | economy of Tunisia |
Demografia di e tópiko | demographics of Tunisia |
Madhhab | Malikism |
OpenStreetMap zoom level | 6 |
Mobile country code | 605 |
Country calling code | +216 |
Trunk prefix | 00 |
Number di emergencia | 190, 198, 193, 197 |
GS1 country code | 619 |
Codigo di matricula | TN |
Maritime identification digits | 672 |
Simbolo Unicode | 🇹🇳 |
Kategoria pa mapa | Category:Maps of Tunisia |